Check out our RAC Report webpage to learn more about the USDA Regional Aquaculture Center Program and Access the Full Report.
About the Speakers
Carole Engle, Engle-Stone Aquatic$ LLC
Carole Engle’s 45-year career has focused on the economic sustainability of aquaculture businesses. After retiring from 30 years of research, extension, and teaching in academia, she has continued to work with U.S. aquaculture farmers on economics, marketing, and regulatory issues through a consulting company. She has authored five books, numerous Extension and trade magazine articles, and published extensively in peer-reviewed scientific journals, with four best paper awards. Professional service has included serving as Director of the World Aquaculture Society, past-President of the U.S. Aquaculture Society, and past lead Editor of the Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, and Aquaculture Economics & Management. Engle has been honored with the Distinguished Service Award from the U.S. Aquaculture Society, the McCraren Award (three times) and Honorary Life Member of the National Aquaculture Association, Researcher of the Year (Catfish Farmers of America), Distinguished Service Award (Catfish Farmers of Arkansas, twice), and recognition for work related to the Farm Service Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honey Bees and Farm-raised Fish Program.
Gary Fornshell, Aquaculture Consultant, Aquaculture Results LLC, University of Idaho Extension (retired)
Gary Fornshell began his 40-year aquaculture career as a volunteer in the U.S. Peace Corps. After graduating from Auburn University, he managed the Mississippi State University aquaculture research facility in Starkville. He was the first Extension Aquaculture Educator for the University of Idaho, retiring after 28 years. During that time, he served in various capacities with the Western Regional Aquaculture Center; 12 years total as Chair of the Extension Subcommittee and member of the Executive Committee, 2 years as Chair of the Executive Committee, and 12 years total as ex-officio on the Board of Directors. He served as Chair for the Flow-through Aquaculture Subgroup, Aquaculture Effluents Task Force, Joint Subcommittee on Aquaculture, USDA. He has contributed to Extension publications, book chapters, and scientific journal publications. He is past-President of the U.S. Trout Farmers Association and U.S. Aquaculture Society. His service has been recognized by the Idaho Aquaculture Association, U.S. Trout Farmers Association, State of Idaho, U.S. Aquaculture Society, U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Association of County Agricultural Agents, and the University of Idaho. For the past 3 years he has worked as an aquaculture consultant.
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