You're invited to attend the second edition of the State Marine Aquaculture Policy Dashboard webinar series!
We believe that hearing directly from our Dashboard community about their journey with the State Marine Aquaculture Policy Dashboard is the best way to understand the impact it’s had on their work. By sharing these stories, we aim to demonstrate the value and benefits that our Dashboard brings to individuals/groups across various industries. We want you to feel inspired and confident in using the Dashboard and embrace it as your own. During this webinar, there will be a brief reintroduction of the Dashboard, followed by testimonials from our Dashboard user community, and a sneak peek into our best practices research. Join us to hear firsthand from Dashboard users about how it’s enhanced their work, gain valuable insights, and discover the Dashboard’s full potential. Check Out the Dashboard
Presenters: The State Marine Aquaculture Policy Dashboard Project Team, Dr. Lindsay Glass Campbell, Cultivated Oyster Mariculture Program Coordinator, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, and Mr. Zach Harrison, Aquaculture Permits Coordinator, North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries Funding Information: The State Marine Aquaculture Policy Dashboard was developed by the National Sea Grant Law Center and researchers at Florida State University with funding from the Builder’s Initiative to increase the accessibility and usability of state marine aquaculture data.
Funding Information: The State Marine Aquaculture Policy Dashboard was developed by the National Sea Grant Law Center and researchers at Florida State University with funding from the Builder’s Initiative to increase the accessibility and usability of state marine aquaculture data.