2024 Farm Bill
The National Aquaculture Association recommends members contact their Representative and Senators to strongly support the following highly beneficial Sections in the House and Senate versions of the Farm Bill which should be included in the final bill passed by House and Senate.
Provisions to support in the House’s
“discussion draft” Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024
CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE: The Secretary of Agriculture shall establish at least one center of excellence for the purpose of carrying out research, extension, and education activities for each of the 11 areas of focus described in paragraph (3).
AREAS OF FOCUS: AQUACULTURE - A center of excellence established under this subsection may engage in research, extension, and education activities focused on developing and applying aquaculture methods, including through the propagation and rearing of economically and ecologically valuable aquatic and marine species.
The National Aquaculture Act of 1980 is amended to create:
A catalog of new and existing capital constraints, as described in the capital requirements plan formulated under section 8(b), that affect the development of the aquaculture industry in the United States; and a catalog of new and existing Federal or State regulatory barriers, as described in the regulatory constraints plan formulated under section 9(b), to the initiation and operation of commercial aquaculture ventures.
Is amended to add the Secretary of Agriculture’s Office a new:
AQUACULTURE ADVISORY COMMITTEE - Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of the Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024, the Secretary shall establish an advisory committee, to be known as the Aquaculture Advisory Committee to advise the Secretary on:
(A) oversight of programs of the Department and other members of the coordinating group to support development of, and to advance, aquaculture best practices using the best available science, in consultation with farmers and industry partners;
(B) providing technical assistance to aquaculture farmers and businesses, including technical assistance that pertains to shellfish, algae, and land-based aquaculture systems, using the best available science; and
(C) any other aspects of the implementation of this Act.
Several provisions in the House bill point to waiving the adjusted income limitation for farms or ranches deriving 75% or more of their income from farming.
Provisions to support in the
Senate’s Rural Prosperity and Food Security Act of 2024
Sec. 7127. Aquaculture Assistance Programs:
Increases the authorization of appropriations for the five Regional Aquaculture Centers to $15 million for each of fiscal years 2025 through 2029 and allows for a 30% indirect cost cap for the program.
Sec. 7510. Agriculture and Food Research Initiative:
Adds shellfish; measuring, monitoring, reporting, and verifying greenhouse gas emissions; precision agriculture technologies; controlled-environment agricultural technologies; technologies for food loss and waste prevention and reduction; and agricultural climate adaptation and mitigation to priority areas for the Initiative.
Sec. 11204. Research and Development of New Crops and Coverages:
Directs research and development on several specific crops, including walnuts, wine grapes (against losses due to wildfire smoke exposure), cut flowers, mushrooms, oilseed crops, alfalfa, aquaculture products, and traditional foods.