NAA and 15 Aquaculture Associations Join USDA Wildlife Services Support Letters
The National Aquaculture Association and 15 other regional, state or species aquaculture associations joined agricultural community letters to House and Senate supporting the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services.
Wildlife Services provides essential services to the aquaculture community in preventing wildlife damage to farms and predation on aquatic livestock. Theirs is not an easy job and the agency is severely criticized by a variety of environmental groups. It is critically important to remind Congress on a regular basis that a falsely maligned program is valuable and beneficial to people, infrastructure and wildlife.
Wildlife Services Support Letter to House Wildlife Services Support Letter to Senate
Please read these letters and then call your House member and two Senators to let them know how Wildlife Services benefits your farm and that this is an important USDA program to support.
Special Note: If you don’t see your national, regional, state, or species aquaculture association, write Paul Zajicek, NAA’s Executive Director, at paul@nationalaquaculture.org to be included going forward.