APHIS RAEF 2.0 Webinar: Premises Freedom Evaluation Package
Tuesday, September 12, 2023 (3:00 PM - 4:00 PM) (EDT)
APHIS Announces RAEF Update and Training Webinars The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is updating its Registered Aquaculture Export Facility (RAEF) inspection program.
These program changes, referred to as “RAEF 2.0”, will become effective September 18, 2023.
When an importing country requires official APHIS oversight of the exporting facility or premises freedom for any pathogens, the aquatic animal facility must be inspected and approved by APHIS prior to shipping animals internationally. APHIS will inspect and approve all new exporting aquatic animal facilities using RAEF 2.0 documents and processes at the effective date; and apply changes to currently enrolled facilities at their next regularly scheduled annual facility inspection and approval.
APHIS will host a series of training webinars in September 2023 about RAEF 2.0 updates and expectations for external stakeholders and facilities.
USDA APHIS Staff are hosting a RAEF 2.0 webinar on September 12, 2023 @ 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) to provide training and updates regarding Premises Freedom Evaluation Package for Accredited Veterinarians.
To Join ZoomGov Meeting: https://www.zoomgov.com/j/1607003232
Meeting ID: 160 700 3232
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Also, in September 2023, APHIS will publish a new website dedicated to aquatic animal export resources in, including step-by-step guides on the RAEF 2.0 inspection program.