FMAC Webinar - Florida Oyster Aquaculture: More Oysters in the Water Mean a Healthier Local Ecosystem and Blue Economy
Wednesday, November 29, 2023 (11:00 AM - 12:00 PM) (EST)
Florida Marine Aquaculture Coalition Webinar
Title: Florida Oyster Aquaculture: More Oysters in the Water Mean a Healthier Local Ecosystem and Blue Economy
Presented by: Josh Neese - The Florida Oyster Trading Company
When: November 29 from 11-12pm EST
To Register: email info@marineaquaculturecoalition.com
Webinar Overview
Florida's off-bottom, oyster aquaculture industry is expansive in comparison to other Gulf and SE Atlantic states, however, it is not close to meeting increasing market demand or realizing its full potential. We will discuss the commercial, economic, environmental, and social implications of scaling this industry and how doing so can positively impact local communities.
Collaborations and partnerships with an aligned vision and formed in organizations such as Florida Marine Aquaculture Coalition can only increase future opportunities for oyster aquaculture and other sectors while growing the local blue economy.