L17: Rangen Quality Fish Feed Certificate - $1,000
Donated by Rangen
L17: Rangen Quality Fish Feed Certificate - $1,000
Rangen has been in the business of producing aquaculture diets for over 60 years. Through the use of experienced on-staff nutritionists, researchers, a laboratory and a hatchery test facility, ongoing diet development is a way of life. As a result, we are able to consistently provide the finest quality aquaculture feeds and most advanced formulations available to the aquaculture industry.
The formulations of our different products are milled daily under strict specifications and quality control standards. Custom feeds where special formulas are required are also available with the help of Rangen’s professional staff. All diets are fortified with vitamins and minerals, as well as special antioxidants to insure freshness. Feeds should be stored in suitable conditions and fed within 90 days to ensure the best results.
Value: $1,000
Handling: Drop Shipped
Donated By: Rangen