Aquacultural Engineering Society Offering Free Membership for 2024 and 2025
Dear All Past, Present, and Future AES Members,
My name is Michael Timmons, and I am the newly elected President of the Aquacultural Engineering Society (AES). The AES was established 30 years ago by a small group of individuals passionate about bringing engineering to aquaculture.
The AES board of directors seeks to increase membership and engagement by providing value to society members. As the saying goes, Show Me the Money, or in this case, Show Me the Value before I invest! AES is offering FREE membership for the remainder of 2024 and all of 2025.
During this period, we will demonstrate the value of the AES to you through professional networking, educational webinars, special conference sessions, and discounted offerings of various goods and services. To provide maximum value and show that the AES is a dynamic organization whose purpose is to serve its members, please provide us with input on how to do that, and we will do our best to meet your needs. As a start, the AES is offering the following in 2025:
- FREE society membership
- Access to all society webinars at no cost
- Online subscription to Elsevier’s Aquacultural Engineering journal for only $75 ( * previously $170 * )
- Hardcopy subscription to Elsevier’s Aquacultural Engineering journal for only $100 ( * previously $195 * )
Please use the following links to join or renew your AES membership and take advantage of this offer:
Click here to view the flyer for a special conference sessions the AES organized for Aquaculture 2025 (March 6-10, 2025, New Orleans, LA, USA). These special sessions are FREE to all who attend Aquaculture 2025, and AES members receive discounted registration for being members of an associate sponsor organization ( * $95 discount * ). Room and scheduling details will be announced asap. Contact Brian Vinci (bvinci@conservationfund.org) anytime with questions about the workshop!
I look forward to welcoming back previous members and seeing many new members join with this new initiative.
Happy fishing!!
Michael “Yellow Book” Timmons